Philosophy Department

Teachers Profile

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Khalid Hasan Mondal

Assistant Professor & HoD

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Suvendu Kumar Bhunia


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Dr. Kalyan Gangopadhyay

Associate Professor


The Department of Philosophy has functioned as one of the core departments of the Arts faculty, providing the interested students an opportunity to study this extremely important subject that teaches them how to apply the conjoined faculties of logic and reason to train the mind, to think and process. Since the college is affiliated to the University of Calcutta, the department follows and implements the syllabus that the university has determined for its undergraduate colleges. The department has been lucky to have received efficient and capable teachers, and has continued to receive sincere love and trust from its students as well as their guardians, including the alumni. The department understands the distinctive sort of problems that students belonging to this area have to face regularly, and therefore, has taken considerable care that a sympathetic approach is taken towards the students and their problems.

Philosophy occupies such a unique position as a distinctive ontology as it is not only about the science of logical, rational, critical thinking, it is also about the art of effective and creative communication. Philosophy teaches a student how to make sense of a diversity of ontologies and epistemologies that characterize a civilization which thrives on pure knowledge and its functional manifestation. Our department takes cognizance of these factors as it implements a multiplicity of contemporary teaching-learning techniques like digital interfaces and ICT- enabled classrooms so that learning becomes both interesting and enjoyable for them. The department offers free Wi-Fi to both the faculties and the students. Classes are conducted both off- and online, with dedicated GCR spaces for each semester. Different online and offline systems are available and regularly maintained to guarantee that materials and documents are available to each and every student. Students are advised to contact the faculty any time they want, and they are also encouraged to provide honest feedback to the Academic Committee on their overall course-experience as well as attainment.


  1. To make students familiar with Indian and Western intellectual tradition.
  2. To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of logic and language among students.
  3. To help students distinguish between the basic ethical theories and approaches.
  4. To help students apply ethical concepts and approaches to solve practical problems in everyday living.
  5. To help students develop the ability to read and comprehend original philosophical texts, classical and contemporary, Indian and Western.
  6. To help students develop proficiency in analyzing information, concepts and context from different viewpoints.



  • To develop among the students the ability to synthesize different stand points without utterly rejecting any one or more.
  • To enhance among the students cognitive and conative tolerance to other intellectual and socio-cultural traditions.
  • To develop among the students required discipline-specific skills which will be the determining factor for all future livelihood opportunities.

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